

姿势 | 技巧 | 用途 --- | --- | --- 仰视姿势 | Stand with your back to the tree and your feet shoulder-width apart. | 观察树木的生长状况,识别树木的轮廓。 俯视姿势 | Stand with your head down and your feet pointing up. | 观察树木的叶片,识别树木的轮廓。 斜视姿势 | Stand with your body tilted at an angle to the tree. | 观察树木的叶片,识别树木的轮廓。 平视姿势 | Stand directly in front of the tree. | 观察树木的整体形状,识别树木的轮廓。 侧视姿势 | Stand with your body tilted to the side. | 观察树木的叶片,识别树木的轮廓。 倒立姿势 | Lie down and position the tree so that its top is at eye level. | 观察树木的轮廓,识别树木的生长状况。
