


问题1:枣橘照相;拍照的英文怎么写? 【给...拍照】 mug, photograph, snapshoot

【拍照片】 take picture

【为...拍照】 photo

【禁止拍照】 no picture taking

【请人拍照】 have one's photograph taken

问题2:用英语说:1起拍照,怎么说? take photos tonight

问题3:照相英文怎么写 take photos

问题4:照相英语怎么写 take photos

问题5:照相和录像英文怎么说? 照相翻译:Take a picture,亦可用snap a picture;Picture:照片,亦可用photo

录像翻译:Film someone,亦可用film a video, take a video

问题6:拍摄英文怎么说? Pictured by XXX 指通过电脑特效处理过的照片、影片的拍摄、策划人 Photographed by XXX 指未经过处理照片的拍摄者 Photo by XXX 囊括以上2者 Designed by XXX 电脑特效处理的人 1般都在图片右下角加 By Xxx(注意大小写) 正式场合或正式的作品都要用完全形式

问题7:拍照的英语 “ *** ”---take photos of oneself

“拍什么的照片”---- take photos of sth/ ***

“和什么拍照”----- take photos with sth/ *** 如:

I'尘清d like to take a photo of myself. 我想 *** 1张。

Jack wants to take a picture of that handsome car. 杰派岩前克想拍1张那辆甩车的照片。

Could I take a photo with y盯u please? 我能和您1起拍张照吗?


问题8:给我拍照片 用英语怎么说? Take photos for me , please.

问题9:拍照片用英语怎么写? take photos/pictures或者单数take a photo/picture

问题十:拍照的英文现在时怎么说 Hey you two get closer please. Hey you guys get closer please, *** ile! take it easy. You two stay a little bit far away, don't get too close. Get closer to me please. Stay farther away from me please. Please step forward a little./ Please step back a little 以上是口语化翻译。


照相的英语是photo。英 ['fəʊtəʊ]   美 ['foʊtoʊ]    n. 照片v. 拍照例句:When I waited for the No.13 line, I photoed them.翻译:当我挺无聊地等待13号线时,我给他们拍了照。短语:photo opportunity 拍照机会近义词shot 英 [ʃɒt]   美 [ʃɑːt]    n. 注射,投篮,发射,拍摄,开枪,子弹adj. (织物)闪色的,精疲力尽的,完了的动词shoot的过去式和过去分词例句:He gave me a second shot of penicillin.翻译:他又给我打了1针青霉素。短语:exchange shots 交火。


摄影师: [ shè yǐng shī ]

1. cameraman

2. lensman

3. camerist



1. 她的光滑柔软的长发吸引了1位摄影师的注意。

Her silken long hair attracted the attention of a photographer.

2. 这位摄影师拍了1张象群的照片。

The photographer took a photo of a herd of elephants.

3. 她不但是摄影师还是个天才的音乐家.

She is a talented musician as well as being a photographer.

4. 他觉得摄影师们的嘈杂声分散了他的注意力.

He found the noise of the photographers a distraction.。


照相机的英语:camera。camera英 [ˈkæmərə] 美 [ˈkæmərə, ˈkæmrə] n.\t(名词)
5、罗马教廷的财政部。Use a weatherproof rucksack to carry your camera and lenses around in. 用防风雨的帆布背包装照相机和镜头。扩展资料:照相的英语:take a picture。take a picture

英 [teik ə ˈpiktʃə] 美 [tek e ˈpɪktʃɚ] 摄影,照相May I take a picture of you and your little boy? 我可以替你和你的小男孩拍1张照吗?camera的词汇搭配:
1、automatic camera\t自动照相机。
2、cheap camera\t廉价照相机。
3、expensive camera\t昂贵的照相机。
4、good camera\t好照相机。
5、box camera\t方镜箱照相机。

6、film camera\t摄影机。


take photos of...

take photos of 为……拍照

He will take photos of me. 他将会为我照相。

Can I take photos of flowers? 我可以拍花的照片吗?

take a photo of为……拍照

I'll take a photo of you. 我来给你拍个照。



错位摄影Misplaced photography重点词汇错位dislocation; malposition; misplacement

摄影价值观的错位,影像市场的混乱都急需摄影史的书写为其提供正本清源的参照文本。Dislocation of photography values and chaos of photography market need the history urgently to provide a reliable reference text.。
