

Light and Shadow Techniques for Japanese Children's Photography

1. Soft and Diffused Light:

  • Use a softbox or umbrella to diffuse harsh sunlight.
  • Position the light source behind the subject, creating a soft halo effect.
  • Use a soft-toned light bulb, such as a warm white or yellow bulb.

2. Backlighting:

  • Position the light source behind the subject, creating a silhouette against a dark backdrop.
  • Use a strong backlight to illuminate the subject's face and hair.
  • Experiment with different angles and distances to achieve different effects.

3. Shadow Play:

  • Create dramatic shadows by placing the light source in front of the subject.
  • Use a light source with a warm color temperature (e.g., orange or yellow).
  • Play with the distance between the light source and the subject to control the amount of shadow.

4. Golden Hour Light:

  • Capture the warm, golden light of the late afternoon or early evening.
  • Use a light source that is slightly warm, such as a warm white or yellow bulb.
  • Position the light source close to the subject, creating a soft and flattering glow.

5. Artificial Lighting:

  • Use a variety of artificial lighting sources, such as softboxes, ring lights, and LED panels.
  • Experiment with different colors and intensities to create different moods.
  • Consider using a softbox with a grid to evenly distribute light.


  • Use a tripod to keep the camera steady.
  • Experiment with different angles and compositions.
  • Pay attention to the background and lighting direction.
  • Allow the child to participate in the process.
  • Edit the images to enhance the colors and shadows.